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Patricia Lewellyn Vargas
Eddie and Trish were married on November 5th, 1977
Christmas 2008
July 2009
Christmas 2008
Trish and her younger brother, Bubby
Sean, Ky, and Trish. Trish always enjoyed the water
Family picture when Trish was around 7 years old.  Father, George W. Snedden II, Mother, Elizabeth Borrum Snedden, and brother, George W. Snedden III
Trish and Eddie at the Ranch in Vinita
Trish and her best friend Sharon Brunson on their Mediterranean Cruise in 2008
Trish as a baby
Only Trish would do yoga in a formal dress, on a cruise ship! Summer 2008
Family celebration! Trish, Jane Snedden, Ky (with Preston), Eddie, and Marliyn Snedden
Christmas 1996 at Trish and Eddie's House<br>Vargas, Snedden, and Barlow families together
Trish, around 12, with big brother Mike and little brother George (AKA Bubby)
The Vargas family: Trish, Eddie, Ky, and Sean
Trish around 4 years old.
When Trish was a teenage, she called herself "Trashy Trish" and she would sign her notes with "Trashy Trish" and a drawing of a devil drinking moonshine.  This is a picture of Trish dressed as a 1920's flapper.

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